Fikapaus vs Socialistisk VideospelsRehabilitering

Division 5

2024-03-17 20:00

Mötets vinnare: Socialistisk VideospelsRehabilitering

Rank In Game Name
PLATINUM Kampfisken88#EUW
IRON Silverpanda#Panda
EMERALD Nightrive88#EUW
Unranked Karatebyxan#EUW
Unranked Kentaswehunterxd#EUW

Rank In Game Name
PLATINUM Kamrat Jolron#EUW
Unranked Rito Zeerb#EUW
GOLD Kamrat S4phiron#EUW
EMERALD Kamrat Mango#Hayax
DIAMOND Kamrat Muffin#EUW
DIAMOND Kamrat Mosby#EUW
EMERALD Kamrat#euw
EMERALD Kamrat Eggplant#EUW

Matchlängd: 25 minuter

13 / 29 / 26

Champion ShenAmumuNeekoMissFortuneZilean
KDA 0/4/46/5/51/6/85/7/21/7/7
Level 1212121110
Gold Earned 5 7819 4678 1298 8146 300
Minions Killed 953412313443
Damage to Champions 5 96014 22313 36119 7119 190
Damage to Objectives 2 79119 6421 5502 700418
Damage to Turrets 27301 3061 676298
Damage to Self Mitigated 16 18017 2997 4726 6676 979
Heal 1 91312 4045913 2871 570
Vision Score 1212182179

29 / 13 / 44

Champion DariusGwenTwistedFateXayahRakan
KDA 7/2/36/3/95/1/118/3/63/4/15
Level 1614151311
Gold Earned 12 46710 51711 93510 5728 693
Minions Killed 1861117014329
Damage to Champions 19 74621 08718 26315 1795 974
Damage to Objectives 19 98637 6078 78416 6385 686
Damage to Turrets 10 7952 2634 5244 2050
Damage to Self Mitigated 13 84627 2836 1886 47614 972
Heal 5 78818 8115 5494 2896 150
Vision Score 927131170

Matchlängd: 26 minuter

25 / 11 / 49

Champion ShenLilliaTwistedFateXayahNautilus
KDA 7/3/74/1/122/2/811/3/41/2/18
Level 1515151413
Gold Earned 11 86211 13212 24813 1508 590
Minions Killed 1881618919335
Damage to Champions 27 58517 57417 35622 2297 775
Damage to Objectives 13 60246 70111 01335 2258 339
Damage to Turrets 7 2031 1867 6889 5004 452
Damage to Self Mitigated 32 99829 1657 6379 22925 081
Heal 2 04025 4124 9795 449630
Vision Score 1723131354

11 / 25 / 18

Champion GarenViSylasEzrealZilean
KDA 1/5/24/5/23/4/53/6/30/5/6
Level 1313141312
Gold Earned 7 5009 3858 5849 3536 488
Minions Killed 1442612617649
Damage to Champions 8 0269 2238 87318 78010 957
Damage to Objectives 1 6904 2726108 570840
Damage to Turrets 323002 257198
Damage to Self Mitigated 35 60325 84717 3617 2767 797
Heal 1 3648 5754 6354 9023 500
Vision Score 1223112068