Necer Surrender vs Fikapaus

Division 5

2024-04-07 20:00

Mötets vinnare: Necer Surrender

Rank In Game Name
SILVER Galeopsifolia#EUW
PLATINUM Kirseslakte#EUW
GOLD Salty Harvester#EUW
BRONZE Oldgums#0414
Unranked Wallbot#1717
GOLD TheIndescribable#EUW

Rank In Game Name
PLATINUM Kampfisken88#EUW
IRON Silverpanda#Panda
EMERALD Nightrive88#EUW
Unranked Karatebyxan#EUW
Unranked Kentaswehunterxd#EUW

Match 1

Vinnare: Necer Surrender

Matchlängd: 32 minuter

21 / 11 / 37

Champion OrnnDianaAzirJinxJanna
KDA 5/0/89/2/93/3/54/2/40/4/11
Level 1718171414
Gold Earned 13 81314 90611 83111 9657 714
Minions Killed 2364323221722
Damage to Champions 22 91724 34919 00214 3185 747
Damage to Objectives 8 07362 33110 86827 1012 548
Damage to Turrets 5 1124 4693 9344 8621 123
Damage to Self Mitigated 58 48645 00012 3114 3847 921
Heal 7 7409 1165 4844 20612 521
Vision Score 3053264387

11 / 21 / 13

Champion MalphiteKhazixVeigarSennaZyra
KDA 1/3/11/5/13/6/15/2/31/5/7
Level 1615141412
Gold Earned 9 1019 9569 53912 2627 891
Minions Killed 1744918922254
Damage to Champions 12 33812 03511 43918 28616 970
Damage to Objectives 4 4609 0112 4445 4745 799
Damage to Turrets 2 85601 6332 5791 989
Damage to Self Mitigated 62 56419 1079 7629 3357 067
Heal 3 11319 0271 79611 682948
Vision Score 3839312090

Match 2

Vinnare: Necer Surrender

Matchlängd: 41 minuter

22 / 34 / 40

Champion YorickAmumuLuxCaitlynRakan
KDA 4/4/33/9/125/3/96/10/94/8/7
Level 1816181614
Gold Earned 16 48513 26314 44615 38811 074
Minions Killed 2863927922862
Damage to Champions 24 40831 72031 64233 84310 757
Damage to Objectives 16 09024 1781 87717 9553 344
Damage to Turrets 11 50701 1645 081559
Damage to Self Mitigated 34 20169 59822 19723 12064 587
Heal 12 22216 6782 36710 9757 901
Vision Score 46294255136

34 / 22 / 89

Champion ShenNocturneHweiJinxJanna
KDA 6/2/219/5/147/4/1612/4/140/7/24
Level 1818181716
Gold Earned 18 29017 20015 24116 48210 411
Minions Killed 2866623522937
Damage to Champions 30 75326 75645 05037 58111 357
Damage to Objectives 15 43127 8439 17940 6342 197
Damage to Turrets 2 8961 8123 7906 904910
Damage to Self Mitigated 98 99348 30214 61713 74913 380
Heal 14 50519 0033 6389 65611 724
Vision Score 28463649149