Konsulterna vs Trötta Legender

Division 6

2024-09-08 19:00

Mötets vinnare: Trötta Legender

Rank In Game Name
BRONZE Siimplicit#EUW
Unranked UppluckratHål#4958
GOLD MacGoggel#EUW
Unranked Pildoornizel#EUW
Unranked skogsogge#80085
IRON dafreak#EUW
IRON Svinaren#EUW

Rank In Game Name
GOLD macnaslond#EUW
GOLD Macgoggel#EUW
Unranked maclivid#EUW
SILVER Carlhampus#EUW
Unranked Mactjock#EUW

Vinnare: Trötta Legender

Matchlängd: 25 minuter

13 / 24 / 20

Champion MordekaiserRammusFizzMissFortuneLux
KDA 2/4/21/5/54/4/54/5/52/6/3
Level 1412141310
Gold Earned 7 9507 6899 33710 9656 296
Minions Killed 0121200
Damage to Champions 21 09210 09113 81917 00212 006
Damage to Objectives 2 2228 1413 3849 5583 976
Damage to Turrets 2 22202 9265 9891 284
Damage to Self Mitigated 13 69841 2339 52110 7494 767
Heal 2 63210 4882 1312 700850
Vision Score 181114126

24 / 13 / 42

Champion NasusVolibearCassiopeiaLucianBlitzcrank
KDA 3/1/96/3/85/5/68/2/52/2/14
Level 1514141311
Gold Earned 10 32410 2099 42011 1518 064
Minions Killed 4130440
Damage to Champions 10 71310 85615 03917 3767 904
Damage to Objectives 12 00345 34915 68621 6536 145
Damage to Turrets 8 3671 8603 1309 3903 939
Damage to Self Mitigated 21 84328 41410 0975 95616 727
Heal 15 17018 1475 8054 5352 543
Vision Score 122026844