Krämhyllan vs Jonklers Plonkers

Lower Bracket

2024-05-19 20:00

Mötets vinnare: Krämhyllan

Rank In Game Name
EMERALD GodisMonstret#EUu
PLATINUM ChipsMonstret#1337
PLATINUM KorvMonstret#1337
PLATINUM 740Monstret#69691

Rank In Game Name
DIAMOND Happy Toaster#JONK
Unranked Cookin#Lmao

Match 1

Vinnare: Krämhyllan

Matchlängd: 30 minuter

33 / 14 / 70

Champion TeemoUdyrViktorDravenRakan
KDA 3/6/133/0/1811/3/1214/2/52/3/22
Level 1616161514
Gold Earned 11 83111 98614 92416 8579 282
Minions Killed 0195080
Damage to Champions 25 86812 51927 80626 5629 883
Damage to Objectives 5 38536 6258 32920 3032 285
Damage to Turrets 3 9041 8605 5735 703708
Damage to Self Mitigated 10 82442 66911 8217 46427 201
Heal 2 95320 7929555 3087 892
Vision Score 2824331889

14 / 33 / 22

Champion OrnnKindredHweiSamiraBlitzcrank
KDA 3/4/54/8/45/5/51/8/41/8/4
Level 1514151313
Gold Earned 9 92110 54912 9919 3836 715
Minions Killed 0161420
Damage to Champions 13 70510 98629 45312 1407 789
Damage to Objectives 2 52033 5818 7890267
Damage to Turrets 1 1911 9492 13100
Damage to Self Mitigated 66 36915 5628 49210 14620 747
Heal 1 63219 9171 9313 4342 013
Vision Score 1524241348

Match 2

Vinnare: Jonklers Plonkers

Matchlängd: 23 minuter

28 / 15 / 76

Champion SionKindredAurelionSolCaitlynTaric
KDA 2/2/147/4/159/2/139/2/131/5/21
Level 1413141312
Gold Earned 9 16411 13510 69211 7967 010
Minions Killed 4114880
Damage to Champions 16 81815 36022 73827 6315 765
Damage to Objectives 4 13323 03918 84619 0951 645
Damage to Turrets 2 3995 8561 6387 539978
Damage to Self Mitigated 38 11610 1225 9866 55720 492
Heal 2 49314 8462 4292 96611 066
Vision Score 1921221634

15 / 28 / 26

Champion TahmKenchRekSaiViktorDravenRakan
KDA 0/5/76/5/46/5/33/5/40/8/8
Level 131213109
Gold Earned 6 5999 44710 3927 4555 096
Minions Killed 0124200
Damage to Champions 14 24113 51426 45810 3775 692
Damage to Objectives 010 1554 593755753
Damage to Turrets 001 69200
Damage to Self Mitigated 25 95719 1089 3215 77717 050
Heal 6 18314 6571 3002 2373 624
Vision Score 112220940

Match 3

Vinnare: Krämhyllan

Matchlängd: 38 minuter

34 / 20 / 80

Champion TeemoXinZhaoAnnieAsheRakan
KDA 8/7/149/1/166/6/1411/2/110/4/25
Level 1818181814
Gold Earned 16 88417 52715 46316 99210 162
Minions Killed 02112180
Damage to Champions 49 57025 19425 83122 8578 684
Damage to Objectives 25 52161 7745 10938 745988
Damage to Turrets 9 9814 4033 3764 631676
Damage to Self Mitigated 16 15147 79616 79912 94332 553
Heal 9 27946 0645 1449 19712 927
Vision Score 41452842108

20 / 34 / 42

Champion RenektonJarvanIVAzirCaitlynMilio
KDA 8/6/43/8/115/8/74/5/70/7/13
Level 1715161614
Gold Earned 13 69111 48412 80717 0248 434
Minions Killed 1138300
Damage to Champions 19 68510 89327 59839 2383 913
Damage to Objectives 3 15711 5404 24918 0931 978
Damage to Turrets 3 157005 578432
Damage to Self Mitigated 47 58463 33925 27711 64013 805
Heal 6 61013 4541 8763 30318 015
Vision Score 2225352849